2010年6月29日 星期二

What do I actually do in TOBB? (Introduction)

TOBB, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

I am now having my trainee program here and this program will be ended on 16th July.

Impressive the headquarters seem to be, but what does TOBB actually do, or to be more specific, what is my trainee program about?

In general, because I am a foreigner from Far East here, so my internship program is quite different from those local Turkish interns who usually work in a particular department or division for 1 to 3 months and are treated as other normal employees, fortunately or unfortunately. Well, my trainee program is nevertheless similar to a management trainee program in which I could have chances to work in all departments, to investigate all divisions, and even spend my time in various affiliated and subsidiary organizations, with the guidance and introduction by the supervisor or even department head there.

I will summarize all my duties, experiences and observations in each week respectively as followings, and hopefully it may help you understand the mission and vision of this respectful Union, I would say:

Week 1 1st June to 4th June

Week 2 7th June to 11st June

Week 3 14th to 18th June

Week 4 21st June to 25th June

Week 5 28th June to 3rd July


Week 6 5th July to 9th July

Week 7 12nd July to 16th July

(To be completed)

