2010年7月4日 星期日

What do I actually do in TOBB (Week 5 KOBI)

I start to work in KOBİ AŞ. on Tuesday, namely in Englısh. KOBI Venture Capıtal Investment Trust Inc. This is a private company whom the biggest shareholder is TOBB (47,83%),had been established in 1999, active since 2005 and having fund size approxımately 38 mıllıon TL (190 mıllıon ın HK Dollar).

So, let us first of all look at her mission:

"Even though 99% of the enterprises in Turkey are the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), SMEs can only get small portion of the bank loans. Credit markets are available only to the largest companies and to a few who can provide collateral rather than future cash flows.

KOBI Venture Capital Investment Trust Inc. Co., aware of this fact and in order to contribute to Turkish economy and venture capital sector defined its mission as;

.to invest in high growth, well-managed SMEs, in order to alleviate their capital constraints and let them to achieve their true potential.

.to act as an efficient risk capital intermediary in the Turkish financial market by providing financial instruments for promising SMEs in Turkey which previously cannot access prominent financing sources, while simultaneously providing shareholders with a high-return alternative investment instrument."

Briefly speaking, it is A venture capital investment trust supporting or speacializing in the small and medium size entreprises, those have competitive advantage or with technological innovations in particular, seeing that they are the foundation of the Turkish economy in terms of no. of their employees and signifiance to the livelihood of the people.

After I have receieved introduction concerning the general picture of KOBI, I pay special attention into the actual process of the applicantions. I am indeed suprised by the utilization of accounting tools including cash flow statement, budgeting, managerial costing, NPV and etc. throughout the fleasibility studies on the business plans from the applicants, since this is my first time to recognize the powers of these tools in practical working environment instead of textbooks or classrooms. Perhaps only in this sense, accountancy could be interesting.

I am required to write a report on "Venture Capital in Turkey" afterward, and in fact I am working on it now...

