2010年7月4日 星期日

Turkey: A Modern History

Editorial Reviews from Amazon:

"Zurcher's book will make an excellent textbook for students approaching the study of Turkey for the first time, in addition to serving as a valuable aid to scholars looking for a comprehensive, well-written fusion of differing interpretations of Turkish history...This book is destined to remain a standard text in its field."--Lawrence Tel, International Affairs

"...a valuable addition to scholarly literature."--Andrew Mango, TLS

This revised edition builds upon and updates the twin themes of Turkey's continuing incorporation into the capitalist world and the modernization of state and society. It begins with the forging of closer links with Europe after the French Revolution, and the changing face of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. In his account of the period since 1950, Zürcher focuses on the growth of mass politics; the three military coups; the issue of Turkey's human right's record; integration into the global economy; the alliance with the West and relations with the European Community; and much more.

This book was writtne by Erik.J.Zurcher, which covers the history of Turkey from late Ottoman Empire to the late 1980s.

Ottoman Empire and Qing Dynasty
The first part, Western Influences and Early Attempts at Modernization, discussed about how, under both external and internal threat to the Old Empire, Sultan Selim III (who initiated "the New Order" ), Sultan Mahmut II, and their successors in the Era of the Tanzimat, were committed and attempted to modernize the empire by reforming the political system, economy, military and culture of te sunset empire.
Throughout the reform, despite several impressive achievements which provide the foundation to the emergence of Turkish republic aftermath, there were full of struggles between the reformers and the conservatives with rested-interests. For those who have studied Chinese History, you will probably find how similar it is between the history of late Ottoman Empire and the Qing Dynasty during Self-Strengthening Movement (洋務運動), in terms of the historical background (the dysfunctional empire challenged by the Imperialism), the content of the reforms and the resistances they encountered,and their inevitable destiny – failure.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, A Tale of Two Cities
Part II, the Young Turk Era in Turkish History from 1908 to 1950, focused on the era of the formation of the Republic of Turkey. On the one hand, it was the tragic period in which people suffered from Western invasions and exploitations. National integrity and sovereignty were lost, while the prestige of Ottoman had gone (however, it is important to note that these were partly due to the engagement of Ottoman Empire in World War I). On the one hand, it was the period in which this country transformed into a modern-nation state, the period in which constitution and democracy were rising.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is the symbolic figure in this period. He brought victory to Turkish people during the war of independence against foreign invasions without which there would not have the Turkish Republic. He initiated the secular reform of the country, and thus women right are improved (but still not respected unfortunately). The cultural landscape including language, custom, tradition and religion were therefore changed dramatically. He clearly reinforced the path of Turkey to westernization and modernization. He is the hero and father of the Republic Turkey – He didn’t change it, he created it –despite the critics criticism toward his brutal dictatorship to the extent. Well, one of the distinguish merits of this book is that the author objectively assessed the historical contributions made by Atatürk, and moderately evaluated the Kemalist One-Party governance. This is the first and foremost responsibility as a historian.

A Troubled Democracy?
Part III, A Troubled Democracy, described the political complications and its dynamic from 1950 to late 1980, in which the Turkish politics at that time was chaotic. In such a short period, the Republic of Turkey has changed to the Second Republic and then to the Third Republic. The conflicts between politicians and military crops are particularly heighted. The issues of international affairs of Turkey, as a member of NATO,during Cold War were as interesting as pre-WWII period.

Many problems encountered by the republic have still not yet be resolved up to now. PKK, a terrorist group formed by few Kurdish extreme separatists , is a typical example. After all, the reason why people study history is without the understanding to the past, we do not know where we are standing in present.

In short, this book has given me a brief but comprehensive picture about the history of modern Turkey. This allows me have a solid foundation for further exploring the mysterious Turkish World. Highly recommend to those who are interested in Turkish history.

